Monday, November 30, 2015
What I think about this video was that it was a good way of seeing life and the way that you commit yourself to things an how yous act in them circumstances. I could say that it was touching in the fact that he said what had happened in 7/11 how their where people running out of the situation to get to safety and the fact the theirs people like firefighters trying to risk their life for other people because they are committed to their job. In my case I would say that I want to be committed to getting all my credits I need in order for me to be able to graduate and keep growing with my education. I need to get all my work done and not only that make time to my education in order for me to be able to get all the credits I need. Like he said be committed and don't make excuses to things because you made that choice and if you want to be able to get in something that will be or say you have accomplished what you want in life you will be doing everything you had said you will do to get to your goals in life.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015
what matters in life
Do you want to be rich? Why or why not?
In a way I do want to be rich but then again I don't because their are things you can do to a certain extreme
And well I think I would want to be happy and so so rich to the point i'm able to maintain my self .
What does rich look like to you? How much money is rich for you? Insert a picture that represents riches?
Rich for me is to a point that you can work but not be killing your back and struggling that you have control of your money. 
What is the get rich formula?
DG= Discover your gift
PG= Perfect your gift
GG= Give your gift away
Have you discovered your gift? If so what do you believe it is?
Yes I have the fact that I love art and the way people interpret different paintings is like music to my ears its just the perspective of the way that people see things is awesome.
How are you working to perfect your gift?
I am actually doing are and well right now I want to do this painting in someones body but it would take time to perfect my art.
What can you do to give your gift away?
I can teach others what I know.
Is this formula something you are willing to commit to?
Not really because I not always want to give things like skills that I know to people because I want to get to a place that i'm winning maybe after that I can teach people some skills I been performing.
Legacy or currency? Which one is of greater importance to you?
Legacy because I want my kids to give to the world but I also want them to learn what I had embrace in my living life.
What is the speaker's name?
Kabira Stokes
What did the speaker originally want to do as a profession?
costume designer
What changed her mind and "activated" her to become an organizer and a leader?
What changed her mind was the fact that she didn't just wanted to help a little bit she wanted to help more and find solutions to the things that are happening in the world
What are the two main themes of
Poverty and lack of opportunity
What are some of the statistics concerning the following demographics?
Women of color? 1-100
African American men 18 +? 1-15
African American men 27+?1-19
How did electronic waste become apart of the speaker's mission to change the cycle of poverty?
In my opinion I would say that it has to do with the fact that all the electronics that are in this world that been thrown away is affecting our world and well she wants to help people that are coming out of jail.
What do you think about the label of "felon" or "ex-felon"? Is it a fitting label?
I think they are because they did something that got them to that name get me like people do thing that shows that it's better to think before you do something you will regret in your living life.
According to the speaker, here in America we use how much of the earth's natural resources? We incarcerate what percentage of incarcerated people on this planet?
25% / 25%
In relation to the previous question, what does the speaker say is the correlation between the two have to do with?
It would be the research for people that are coming out of jail and it can be a disaster value.
The speaker says that it is hard or easy work? Does she ever want to quit? Why doesn't she?
She says that it's hard and that she has thought about quieting but she can't because she says she has a purpose of why she's doing thins she wants equality and a solution to help out.
What did you take from the final story the speaker shared about the employee who "messed up?"
I think that if I would of been in that situation I would of had fired him. The way that she dealt with it was different and that she gave him a second chance to prove him self that he was capable of doing hi work with no problem. He took his chance and didn't took it for granted.
Would you have given the employee a second chance or fired him?
I actually wouldn't have given him a second chance because you mess up once how do I know you won't do it again.
Do you believe in the power of forgiveness?
Do you believe in the power of forgiveness?
No I actually don't I haven't done it maybe that's why I am how I am.
Do you believe transformation is possible?
Yes only if you really want it and you are willing to change and leave your old habits.
How have you transformed since attending CCEO Youth Build?
I actually have I been coming to school to get over with my education and step to the real world but then again it's hard it all takes time.
What other transformation do you wish to see in your life?
I wish I was able to forgive people that have hurt me because I tempt to keep those things and I don't know or haven't figure out how to deal with certain situations.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Deal with it
Its funny because I actually had a similar occasion like ET. I had not talked to my real father for the longest and well till this pass 3 months I have been talking to him. I was scared that my dad didn't want to talk to me because I was a forgotten child that he has and never took care of. I took the step up and I looked to him and it was funny because he was looking for me to but never was able to really reach out to me because I was always in school or to busy doing other things. I had o much anger towards him but I had to forgive him because my parents were to young and it took the courage for my mother to actually step up to the game. I couldn't keep hating him because it was affecting me even if I said it didn't it was. I was ashamed of being me. It helped me because I wasn't a lone I always had my step dad that back me up with any decision that I made in life. I felt re leave when I let go of all that anger because it was affecting me in so many ways like in school and with family. It has made my life different and not only that I don't have that anger with me and because of that I love my family more than I ever did. The barriers that it has broken is the fact that I ain't ashamed of opening up to my dad and letting him in my life once again. It has made me realize that no matter what people say about me to look for them problems and make a solution to them so that I wont be so stressed out and letting it be come part of my life that will affect my success.
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Thursday, November 5, 2015
I have selected the Razor Blade. This razor helps guys out their to have their facial hair removed with a better work. It's good for men because it is more effective lets them have a smoother way of their face it's comfortable and it lets them reach better so it's more closer. For me it's interesting for me because I want my boyfriend to be able to have a better and smoother face I don't want to get hurt with his facial hair. I want to feel more conferrable kissing my men and not having any problems. Well just the things that it does help a lot of men out their. The way it works and the things it can do like the flex-ball it has helps reach certain spots and its more effective. It's easy and I'm pretty sure we can do something like that and will be bale to be build and sale to get profit out of it would be something beneficial.

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